Wednesday 30 April 2014

Closing Statement

Throughout the course, I have learned the process of distributing and publishing magazines. I have found that it takes a lot of time and effort into creating a publication in order to suit the appropriate target demographic. I have looked at music magazines genres that fit my chosen genre, VIBE magazine is one I closely analysed. I looked at how they have used their conventions and tried to incorporate into my own production. After numerous drafts I have completed my media production and I am pleased with the results. I have thoroughly enjoyed this year and hope to continue media studies in the next year.

Sunday 20 April 2014

Saturday 19 April 2014

comparison of double page spread

I like how there is one main image of the artist on one side and an article on the other, I think it compliments each other nicely. The bold capital letter at the start of the article is also another convention I find interesting and will do the same with my own production.

comparison of front cover


I closely looked at the layout of VIBE's magazine front cover looking at how it attracts their audience. The bold cover lines are important as they draw you in to the context of the magazine. The image is also important as it is a well known popular artist, and it is directly in the middle.

comparison of contents page

I have been looking very closely at VIBE magazine as it covers the same genre as my own production. I have tried to follow the conventions used on this front on my own, for example I have looked at the big 'V' in the middle, VIBE use this on all the magazines they publish. The way the 'contents' is written is also another convention I have used on my own production, it looks bold and appealing. The simplicity makes the magazine a whole lot more attractive.

Sunday 13 April 2014

I took these photos myself after going to a concert, they were included in my first draft of my contents page, but I then decided not to include it in the final product as the images themselves are blurry.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Social Media


I have noticed that with VIBE magazine they do not advertise their social media, with my own production however I will, by using Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. I think it is important to do so because that way you can reach a wider audience and advertise my magazine easily as many people now use social media sites.